John Turturro in Giovinazzo

John Turturro in Giovinazzo

Amministratore Amministratore 17/07/2019 News

The Italian-American actor, John Turturro, protagonist of the TV series ‘Il nome della rosa’, receives the keys to the city and the honorary citizenship of Giovinazzo. John’s father, Nicola Turturro, born in Giovinazzo, left for the United States with his parents at the age of six.

“It was a dream cultivated for four years, but John – says the mayor of Giovinazzo, Tommaso Depalma – had promised me the only time we met, in 2014, in Rome. And I was always sure he would keep his word. “

An enthusiastic and warm welcome, of those reserved for those who return home, and a crowded square to attend the ceremony for the delivery of the keys to the city.